The Process

From start to finish - here’s what you can expect!

Take the first step - book a discovery call

A craftsman
Step 0

First Things First - What is the Program and the Entrepreneurial Mindset all about?

Book - check it out on Amazon

Podcast - Get a super-charged ten minute dose of the entrepreneurial mindset each week!

Newsletter - Want a high-value idea to implement at your school delivered to your inbox each Monday? Sign up!

Events - We host an annual Entrepreneurship Symposium at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy that offers a deep dive and behind-the-scenes tour of the nationally recognized entrepreneurship and sustainability program at the school that just celebrated its ten year anniversary (a journey Stephen details in his book) - link to school site:

Step 1

Schedule a 30 min discovery call with Stephen Carter

Learn the WHY, HOW, and WHAT of impactful entrepreneurship programming for K-12 private schools.

Understand what is meant by teaching the entrepreneurial mindset.

Step 2

Proposal & Contract

After we meet, you’ll receive a proposal to review. If accepted, you’ll then receive a contract agreement.

Step 3

Prep, Onboarding, and Training

Schedule your intensive to review timeline and address key success statements.

Begin Onboarding of impact player(s).

Begin Training Intensive for start of program and implementation.

Step 4

Launch - Class Teaching

Start of school year, kick off with semester long class teaching the core attributes of the entrepreneurial mindset (curriculum provided).

Ongoing one-on-one coaching throughout school year to ensure successful implementation of program.

Ongoing monthly workshops with educators from around the nation on key topics related to entrepreneurial education.

Step 5

Launch - Student-Run Business

Student-run business will launch in December/January, overseen by core group of students (6-12 students).

Impact Player(s)/Program managers shift from classroom teacher to business mentor (additional and on-going development/training provided).

Step 6

Prepare for Program Growth

Students/business mentor work to operationalize business for healthy growth in order to pass the business off to a new group the following year.

Students sign up for courses for following year, option to expand program for additional offerings.

Ready to get started? Take the first step. Book a free discovery call with Stephen Carter.

Book a Discovery CAll